Legal Terms & Conditions


Welcome to, a service operated by PING Consulting, SASU. By using our website (“Website”), you agree to these terms and conditions.

Company Details

  • Legal Form: SASU Société par actions simplifiée à associé unique
  • SIRET Number: 81790693600015
  • RCS Number: Versailles B 817 906 936
  • VAT Number: FR90817906936
  • Postal Address: 6 RUE JEAN REY, 78220 VIROFLAY

Description of Service offers its users information and redirection links to various flight booking services. Please note that we do not directly manage bookings or collect personal data related to bookings.

Use of Service

The Service must be used in a lawful manner, respecting these terms and conditions and all applicable laws.

Third-Party Links

We may offer links to third-party websites. These are not under the control of PING Consulting, and we cannot be held responsible for their content, privacy measures, or other practices.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Our service is presented “as is.” PING Consulting makes no guarantees, either direct or implied, and renounces all other guarantees.

Limitation of Liability

PING Consulting, along with its directors, employees, and partners, is not responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from the use or inability to use our service.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes arising from the use of our service with third-party providers should be directed to the relevant provider. PING Consulting is not obligated to mediate or resolve such disputes.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by French law, without regard to conflict of law rules.

Privacy Policy

  • Personal Data: We do not collect personal data. Third-party services linked from our website have their privacy policies.
  • Cookies: Our Website uses cookies to analyze user trends. These cookies don’t collect personal data.
  • Third-Party Websites: The privacy policy of third-party websites linked from our website will prevail over this privacy policy for the content and actions on those third-party sites.
  • Policy Updates: We may update our privacy policy periodically. Continuing to use our website after changes means you accept the new terms.


For questions or feedback regarding these terms, conditions, or our privacy policy, please contact us.

Thank you for using We value your trust and strive to offer a safe and useful service.